Queer Identities

Violence and abuse happen in LGBTQ relationships.  It’s never a survivor’s fault.

  • Even if they argued back or protected themselves from getting hurt
  • Even if society or families don’t accept LGBTQ relationships
  • Even if a Queer survivor hears messenging blaming their identity for the abuse
  • Even if a survivor is not sure if what happened sexually was abuse
  • Even if a Queer person is in a relationship that may be defined by its radical, feminist or progressive values

It’s STILL not a survivor’s fault.

No one deserves to be abused, teased, hurt, controlled, or isolated.  Partner abuse includes many types of abuse and can happen on the first date, during or after a hookup or in a relationship of 20 years.

People who identify as Queer face some unique challenges in identifying partner abuse in their own relationships and their friends’ relationships.

Queer can be used to describe gender or sexual identities, claim a unique identity or to describe the LGBTQ community. Note: “Queer” has been reclaimed by some, though in the past has been used as a slur against LGBTQ People. It is sometimes because of this that it is used as a political identity.

A Few Resources for Queer Identities